Links To Other Sites

Glaciers Online:  This is an online version of a very nice book “Glaciers” By Jurg Alean and Michael Hambrey.

Glacier Pictures– Aerial Photographs of North Cascade glaciers taken by John Scurlock

USGS Glacier studies:  The research on this glacier is the most extensive on any glacier outside of Alaska.

Northwest Avalanche Center:  This site has snowpack data, weather reports, webcams and avalanche forecasts.

North Cascade Conservation Council:  Produces Wild Cascades and pursues protection of our public lands in the North Cascades.

USDA: Climate and snow resources:  This site links to all of the Snotel measurement sites in the western United States

An Essential Guide to Using National Parks Responsibly: This guide will explore the value of spending time outdoors in US national parks – including a look at why we feel so good outside, why US national parks are some of the most amazing outdoor spaces, and how to enjoy them safely.

UWashington Climate Impacts Group: The University of Washington Climate Impacts Group builds climate resilience by advancing understanding of climate risks & enabling science-based action to manage those risks. We are widely recognized for scientific discovery, as an experienced creator of impartial & actionable science and as a catalyst for building regional climate resilience.

North Cascades National Park Service Site: Reports on resources, ongoing projects, current events happening within the park.

Global Glacier change: World Glacier Monitoring Service data

INSTAAR – Institute of Artic and Alpine Research – A facility whose primary mission is research to understand the biological and physical interactions that regulate the earth’s system in artic, alpine, and other regions.